Caitlyn Dixson testifies on behalf of the Protect Life Amendment

Caitlyn Dixson testifiesGood morning. My name is Caitlyn Dixson and I am the Executive Director of Iowa Right to Life. I am proud to be with many in the pro-life movement to voice our strong, unified, and unwavering support of the Protect Life Amendment.

“It’s time, and unfortunately, it’s necessary,” Governor Reynolds correctly declared in her Condition of the State Address.

It is necessary because unelected judges have crafted and enacted their own set of laws, circumventing you, the legislators and us, the people.

This amendment is what Pro-Life Iowans want. A voice, not only for themselves but for the preborn. An opportunity to amend our constitution and to put the power back in our elected legislator’s hands to create our laws.

We have seen that the climate today is pro-life. Iowa deserves to have laws that can change and evolve over time to reflect the thoughts of Iowans. We have seen how true that is over the years with adoptions of laws like the Heartbeat Bill, or the 20-week bill, both making way to the Governor’s desk where they were signed into law. It took an act of blatant judicial overreach to completely overturn the 72-hour provision within the 20 week bill, which then led directly to the overturning of the Heartbeat Bill going directly against what Iowans wanted.

I urge you to pass the amendment through all phases, so that Iowans can have a choice, so that Iowans can have a choice, they can go to their polling booth and declare that the state Constitution is not subject to unelected judges deciding the law, and so that Iowans can serve as the most important check to each branch of government. Thank you. God Bless You, God Bless this Great State of Iowa